Förderverein Leben & Arbeiten im Stadtteil Vahrenheide
                25 Jahre Vahrenheide gestalten!

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Volunteer support in FLAIS e.V.

The FLAIS e.V. has supported and supported self-initiative, self-help, self-organization and joint action by residents in the district of Vahrenheide since 1999. He offers assistance for coping with everyday life as well as educational offers and self-help workshops.


  • You want to do something that makes sense and joy?
  • Do you want to apply your skills directly in your living environment?
  • Do you want to work with and for people and learn and learn something new for yourself?


Then come to us and participate in the design and implementation of offers and activities in Hannover's Vahrenheide / Sahlkamp district:


As part of our projects, offers and activities, we are looking for you.

Here you will find nice, competent full-time and volunteer employees. As part of our offers, you can get involved and participate creatively. You receive our full support.


Opportunities for volunteering:


You can also contact us with ideas for your own projects and actions, and we can help you with the implementation of your ideas.
