Förderverein Leben & Arbeiten im Stadtteil Vahrenheide
                25 Jahre Vahrenheide gestalten!

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The bicycle self-help workshop


With the self-help workshop, the residents of the district have at their disposal a space equipped with all the necessary tools to carry out maintenance and minor repairs on their bicycles, either on their own or under qualified guidance.


They receive tips and tricks from the expert or exchange with other "bicycle wrenches". Seniors can use the service of our employees directly in case of breakdowns and minor repairs. In addition, regular learning and practical courses are offered on bike maintenance and care, tire patches, adjustment of gears, brakes and lighting. For workshop use and breakdown assistance a small user contribution is charged. The cost of replacement parts is borne by the user.


We also gladly accept their old wheels, which can then be rebuilt by interested residents, or we use the individual parts of the wheel for our spare parts warehouse.

Opening hours

With specialist

Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 to 13:30

For self-propelled

Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 to 13:30

