Förderverein Leben & Arbeiten im Stadtteil Vahrenheide
                25 Jahre Vahrenheide gestalten!

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Shoppingservice for seniors



It is important to us that we can help our senior citizens in the Vahrenheide district in particular to make their everyday lives essentially their own. Surely you know the situation, how difficult it can be to buy independently. Especially if you do not have a person in your personal environment who can help you with this.




For this we, the FLAIS e.V., are here for you. We come to your home for free and support you. Our employee goes shopping, either alone or together with you. The days of heavy bag dragging are over, because that's what he does for you.

Call us to arrange a short-term appointment.


Shopping service: Wednesday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00
